The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) are across the processing of all personal data.
The GDPR expects businesses who collect personal information to do so with absolute confidentiality. Your privacy and personal rights are paramount and I would only share private information if it was discussed and agreed by you first.
All your personal details are discussed and recorded solely for the purpose of writing your tailor-made, unique and personal ceremony. Your ceremony script is approved and verified by you. I will not impart any of this script script or personal details with anyone other than your friends, family and invited guests on your special day as instructed by you.
All scripts created by me are kept on confidential and secure computer files.
All notes and printed scripts are shredded after the event (except your souvenir copy)
Any personal information I have recorded about you will be destroyed after 6 years of your ceremony taking place.
I will not give your personal details to a third party, unless you ask me to, unless I am required to by law to assist an investigation or legal proceedings.
Perfect Ceremony